In partnership with Councilmember Francisco Moya and David Villa (former World cup winner in the 2016 South Africa games), Hispanic Federation has launched a free soccer program. This program is hosted in Queens, NY and serves over 300+ youth between the ages of 5 – 12 years.
The DREAMER scholarship provides up to $500 in tuition support or grocery assistance for eligible students currently enrolled in at least 6 credit courses. Student must attend one of our partner colleges/ higher education institutions.
Hispanic Federation offers a variety of services and resources available to eligible permanent residents seeking to become US Citizens. Join us for our Citizenship workshops and events to learn more about the pathway to citizenship.​
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
The Adult Basic Literacy and Education program helped Hispanic Federation member agencies expand or launch Adult Basic Education (ABE), English of Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and/or GED programs. Member agencies funded through this initiative are located in New York City, Long Island and Upstate New York.
New York State Community Empowerment Initiative
Hispanic Federation worked to ensure eligible immigrants had access to free legal services and assisted low-income community members in the tri-state area to determine qualification for fee waiver while providing application assistance free of charge.
Liberty Defense Project (LDP)
More than 800,000 immigrants are eligible to naturalize in New York State, but have yet to do so. Many are faced with a myriad of challenges from lack of finances, inability to speak English or understand the immigration process. Hispanic Federation recognizes the need to support the immigrant community in completing this final step towards U.S. citizenship. Through the Liberty Defense Project, we have launched a citizenship campaign to inform the community about the importance of naturalizing, the benefits that come with becoming a U.S. citizen, and how to start the process.
Hispanic Immigrant Integration Project (HIIP)
A groundbreaking partnership between Hispanic Federation and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Hispanic Immigrant Integration Project (HIIP) helps to facilitate the integration of Latino immigrants into their communities in: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas.
HIIP provides thousands of immigrants with key services including English as a Second Language and civics classes, citizenship application assistance, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, application assistance and family-based petition assistance to help them more fully integrate in American society. This initiative is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Walmart Foundation.
Office for New Americans (ONA)
As part of its ongoing commitment to support immigrants in New York, Hispanic Federation is a Neighborhood Based Opportunity Center under New York State’s Office for New Americans (ONA). Through this initiative Hispanic Federation provides New Yorkers with access to English language training and other services they need to readily participate in civic and economic life.
Hispanic Federation's Neighborhood Based Opportunity Center is a consortium with three other member organizations: Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, Dominican Women's Development Center and Community Association of Progressive Dominicans. The Consortium provides participants with citizenship help and consultations, ESL classes, business seminars and access to job opportunities.
National Immigration Reform Efforts
The Hispanic Federation collaborates with national organizations like the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Labor Council on Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) and the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) to fight for comprehensive immigration reform.
Under the co-leadership of the Hispanic Federation, groups meet with Congressional members, produce policy position letters, caucus with Administration officials, and produce and present recommendations on immigrant executive action to the White House.
State/Local Immigration Reform Efforts
Hispanic Federation is a leader on key immigration issues currently confronting localities and states across the country. In New York, for instance, HF worked alongside the de Blasio Administration in NYC to make municipal IDs for undocumented immigrants a reality under the IDNYC program, and continues efforts to raise public awareness of the IDNYC and its benefits.
Hispanic Federation is also working with the We Are Florida coalition to eliminate a five year wait for immigrant children to get state health insurance, and oppose other anti-immigrant measures in Florida.
For more information, please contact us via email.
Legalizing and Decriminalizing Street Vending
This bill will require local governments to create a fair and equitable street vending license program. Municipalities will be forbidden from restricting or capping the amount of street vendor licenses. Also, local legislatures would be limited in their ability to ban vendors from parks and to deny vendors their chosen location of operation. Lastly, this legislation will vacate street vendors’ records from past citations and misdemeanors related to sidewalk vending.
S1175 Ramos / A5081 Gonzalez-Rojas
Local Public Benefits for Immigrants Regardless of Status
Provides state and municipalities with the discretion to offer certain local public benefits necessary to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of any individual who would otherwise be deemed eligible absent federal law restricting eligibility due to immigration status.
New York for All Act
Prohibits and regulates the discovery and disclosure of immigration status; prohibits police officers, peace officers, school resource officers, probation agencies, state entities, state employees, and municipal corporations from questioning individuals regarding their citizenship or immigration status; regulates the disclosure of information relating to immigration status.
Excluded Workers Fund
This is a budget initiative which aims to include $3B in the next NYS budget for this fund which provides financial help to New Yorkers who lost income during the COVID-19 pandemic and were left out of various federal relief programs, including unemployment and pandemic benefits.
The Empire State Licensing Act
Provides all New Yorkers with access to professional, occupational, commercial, or business licenses, permits, certificates, or related registrations regardless of an applicant’s citizenship or immigration status, or lack thereof.
New York is Home Act
Establishes New York state citizenship, regardless of immigration status, and provides certain rights and benefits.